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Thank you to SCVO for forwarding the following:

Schools, charities and not for profit organisations wishing to encourage young people’s interest in the countryside and the environment, the arts or aiming to raise levels of literacy and numeracy can apply for funding to the Ernest Cook Trust (ECT).

The Trust operates two grant making programmes:
• The small grants programme (under £4,000) supports state schools and small registered charities which would like to undertake projects which meet the Trust’s objectivErnest-Cook-Trustes and require a small amount of pump-priming in order for such projects to take place.
• The larger grants programme for grants in excess of £4,000.

Meetings to consider applications for the small grants programme take place bi-monthly throughout the year. The full board of Trustees meets twice a year, in April and September, to consider grants in excess of £4,000.
Applications to the small grants programme can be made at any time.

The next closing date for applications for the large grants programme is the 31st January 2017.
More information at:

I trust this is useful and please feel free to distribute as you feel appropriate.

Kindest regards


Wider Impact Consultancy, Edwin Lewis