Wider Impact has delivered an independent peer-led feasibility study on behalf of Bournville Village Trust (BVT) tenants, which explored the possibility of having a Community Hub on the Shenley Estate, Birmingham.
Our approach involved building the capacity and capabilities of tenants and the direct involvement of key local stakeholders, such as those featured within this photograph.
In close partnership with BVT, methodology has included:
- support and bespoke training for tenants
- creation of a tenant’s Research Project Group to oversee, support and direct the feasibility study
- regular meetings with the Project Group
- community questionnaires
- stakeholder questionnaires
- workshops – including young people
- one to one meetings
- site meetings
- observational studies
- desk research
Our report has been well accepted by all parties, and delivers a number of recommendations that include:
- the report being shared with all stakeholders
- delivery of a local multi-agency conference
- BVT providing on-going in-kind support with key issues such as project managment, IT, marketing and communications
Click on the report cover above to access
Customer Testimonial – Edwin Lewis, Wider Impact Consultancy
‘When a local group of tenants approached us about the possibility of having a Community Hub in Shenley, Birmingham, we commission Edwin [Wider Impact Consultancy] to carry out a feasibility study on their behalf.
Edwin approached this project with gusto and enthusiasm, which was quite infectious. We have seen some positive results. Local community groups and organisations have been reinvigotated and have a new appetite to work alongside each other, and that has to be great news for the wider community as a whole.
The feasibility study carried out by Edwin and his team proved to be well researched and facilitated. We couldn’t have hoped for a better outcome, and would have no hesitation whatsoever in recommending Wider Impact and Edwin’s services to others’.
Peter Roach
Chief Executive
Bournville Village Trust
Looking to commission Wider Impact to carry out similar work? Please contact Wider Impact Director, Edwin Lewis at edwin@widerimpact.com .