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rsz_dscf3103Wider Impact has been commissioned to carry out an in-depth feasibility study into the future direction of Handsworth based St Francis Centre. Planned outcomes include support for a robust business plan, with aims that include a long and sustainable future for a valued local community resource.

Funded by the Big Lottery Fund (Awards for All) the feasibility study will be far reaching and initially include close consultation with key stakeholders including local residents, those who currently utilise the Centre, community leaders / representatives of similar nearby centres / facilities, potential customers, the Archdiocese of Birmingham, current and potential partners and local authority representatives.

Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis pictured centre with Father Gerard Kelly and Centre Manager Raj Rattu says, ‘It is clear from initial observations that the St Francis Centre has a long history of providing a welcome service to the local community, and there is certainly a will from those we have met so far for this to continue into the future. I am keen to meet and hear from anyone who feels they can contribute to this study‘.

Think you can support this feasibility study? – Please contact Edwin via this website, or ring him on 07871 179 780.


Wider Impact Consultancy, Edwin Lewis