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Mentoring & Befriending Foundation (MBF)Headed, ‘A compelling case for a more co-ordinated approach to mentoring support for offenders’, the MBF news report states, “A recently published report makes a compelling argument for a national co-ordinated mentoring service working across the Criminal Justice System. The pilot, which was undertaken in the Birmingham area involving a number of prisons and partner mentoring organisations led by the New Hope Mentoring Programme has generated interest in the idea of a ‘one stop shop’ for agencies / individuals requiring mentoring support / looking to volunteer as a mentor.”

Report author, Wider Impact Director Edwin Lewis says, “This is really good news and demonstrates the quality and integrity of our work. It is even more rewarding to know we are playing some part in enhancing mentoring support for ex-offenders, reducing crime and making areas of the United Kingdom safer places for people to live, work and socialise.”

Wider Impact Consultancy, Edwin Lewis